Wednesday, January 15, 2014

To-do List

With the goal of simplifying my life this year, I'm constantly on the search for new organizational methods.  While searching the Internet for helpful printable, I came across the cutest To-Do list.  It's simple, to the point, but still has a little dab of flair.  I've been using a new one everyday so far in 2014, so I thought it was time to share my awesome find from Saved By Love Creations.
What do you use to keep you on task each day?  Do you have any favorite printables?

P.S.  Check back next week for a surprise update in my kitchen!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Kitchen Deep Clean!

Spent all day thoroughly cleaning the kitchen today.  I pulled out every single item, cleaned the self/counter/drawer, then reorganized everything as I put it all back away.  All the coffee like items are now finally together instead of strewn all of the kitchen randomly!  All the coffee stuff is together by the Keurig.  All the dishes are above the dishwasher!

I'm so excited that everything is organized and has a place and it's squeaky clean!   I don't think it's been this clean since I moved in!  A special thanks to Mom (who helped!), Clorox Wipes (aren't they amazing!)  and Dollar General (for having tons of plastic storage bins for 1 or 2 bucks!)

Note: Thought about posting pictures, but rows of crackers organized in a pantry doesn't really seem that exciting to see!  Just image the most organized and spotless kitchen ever and pretend!)


When I heard the movie was being released this year, I knew I wanted to read it.  Then, after all my students started reading it for a class assignment a few weeks ago, I knew it was time to dig into this book!

Right away I was reminded of another dystopian novel, Matched.  So I wasn't super pumped about reading the rest of this book...but then it really captured my attention.  In contrast with Matched, the leading lady in Divergent takes a much more edgy route to rebellion leading to a lot more action in this novel.  

There is a little of everything in Roth's series starter: futuristic setting, action packed scenes, danger, betrayal and even romance.  I can see why this novel is such a hit with my 8th grade students!  As an adult, though, I did finding myself doubting some of the characters choices.  Based on the characterization that Roth gives  in the first half of the book, I found myself thinking, "...but would she really do that?" or, "I doubt he would say that!".  

Despite these surprise reactions, I found the plot engaging and I'm excited to see what happens to these characters in the second book of the series (and how they turn out in the movie!!)

Rating:  7/10

New Social Media Buttons!

Thanks to Lori Lawson @ Pure Imagination,  I know have very cute media buttons that match my new background!  Horray!   I'm also now officially on Bloglovin', so please give me a follow!

I'm loving my new color scheme!  What are your favorite colors to use on your blog?
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